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    Naturopath/IV Therapy - Licensed

    Dr. MacDonald has experience treating a range of health ailments including digestive concerns, allergies, fertility & peri-natal care, anxiety & depression, skin problems, autoimmune diseases and integrative cancer care.

    Dr. Maureen MacDonald

    Our Naturopathic Doctor

    Dr. Maureen MacDonald ND has been a licensed Naturopathic Doctor since 2008. She brings excitement and passion for helping people to understand their health and how they can take control over their wellness.  She works with people who have complex chronic health issues and those wishing to enhance their current state of health and wellness.

    Dr. Maureen’s core belief is that we must be active participants in our health.  It was through her own health struggles with chronic pain and severe obesity that lead to a career as a naturopathic doctor.  Dr. MacDonald ND has first-hand experience of the necessary actions involved to take control of personal health and wellness. Her goal is to help clients do the same.

    Dr. Maureen attended the Nova Scotia Agricultural College (Dal Ag) where she earned a HBSc (Agr) Plant Science and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.  She has additional training in IV Nutritional Therapy, Central Venous Access, prescription of Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT), Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, Environmental Medicine and Integrative Cancer Care.

    Services Offered

    Injection Therapy

    IV Therapy (Intravenous)

    Intravenous therapy is an important tool for acute and chronic illness support.  It is a safe and effective way of delivering therapeutic doses of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.  Dr. MacDonald has been offering IV therapy for 10 years.  She is committed to providing personalized IV medicine with the most up-to-date protocols.

    IM Injection Therapy (Intramuscular)

    IM injections are a great option for people who do not have enough time for an IV.  IM injections offer a quick means to improve mood, energy, support the brain during stressful periods, stimulate metabolism, and complexion.

    Conditions That May Benefit From IV Therapy

    • Stress Management – Anxiety
    • Fatigue
    • Chronic headaches and migraines
    • Support During & Recovery from Acute and Chronic Illnesses
    • Detoxification Support
    • Colds/Flu
    • Athletic Recovery
    • Anti-Aging
    • Arthritis
    • And More….

    Integrative Cancer Care

    Many people with cancer will use natural therapies both during and after conventional treatment.  Conventional therapies include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.  The goal of integrative cancer care is to support quality of life, minimize side effect, improve healing and recover times, reduce risk of recurrence, and support conventional therapies.

    Lifestyle, IV/IM therapy and appropriate supplementation recommendations are made to support the overall health of the individual receiving care.  All prescriptions are researched to prevent drug-herb/nutrient interactions.

    Helixor M for Osteoathritis

    In conjunction with lifestyle and appropriate supplementation this intracutaneous injection of mistletoe has been shown to be helpful for the treatment of osteoarthritis.  It improves joint mobility and decreases pain.  Safe as a long-term joint support measure to improve microcirculation, collagen synthesis and analgesic support.

    Testing Services

    • Preventative Medical Screening
    • Allergy & Food Intolerances
    • Hormonal Panels (Serum, Saliva and Urine)
    • Gastrointestinal Function Panels
    • Detoxification Panels
    • Nutritional Profiles

    Medical Aesthetics

    Elaspa & Ela Med Pro – European Spa Science

    Treatments for people who want to enhance and restore the quality of their skin.  Elaspa uses high concentrations of synergistic organic ingredients.  It is conscious skincare that offers the best results while respecting the environment.  Elaspa treatments support the natural structure and renewal process of the skin to bring out its optimal glow.

    Dr. MacDonald's Hours
    • Monday – 12 PM – 5 PM
    • Wednesday – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
    • Thursday – 10 AM – 5:30 PM
    • Friday – 8 AM – 1 PM